CNB - City of North Battleford
CNB stands for City of North Battleford
Here you will find, what does CNB stand for in Government under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate City of North Battleford? City of North Battleford can be abbreviated as CNB What does CNB stand for? CNB stands for City of North Battleford. What does City of North Battleford mean?City of North Battleford is an expansion of CNB
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Alternative definitions of CNB
- Companhia Nacional De Bailado
- Creating New Business
- Coonamble, New South Wales, Australia
- Croatian National Bank
- City National Bank
- Cherokee Nation Businesses
- City National Bank
- City National Bank
View 66 other definitions of CNB on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- CNE Children North East
- CAM Corum Asset Management
- CMC Capital Markets Cooperative
- CIPRE CIP Real Estate
- CBRF Close Brothers Retail Finance
- CRES Cambridge Real Estate Services
- CDP Center for Deployment Psychology
- CCH The Cedars of Chapel Hill
- CR City of del Rio
- CIPL Crest Infosystems Pvt. Ltd.
- CSPF California State Parks Foundation
- CM City of Mitcham
- CMSA Crystal Mountain Ski Area
- CTES Copper Tip Energy Services
- CHS Cathedral High School
- CLS Complete Labor and Staffing
- CGI Creative Gateway Inc.
- CTCI Citizens Telephone Cooperative Inc.
- CVCS Chicago Virtual Charter School
- CBMC Cape Breton Musical Choices